A theater in which I have volunteered over the past few years is having an anniversary. The Theatre of the Republic, the official theater of Horry County, South Carolina, is celebrating their 50th anniversary with a weekend of musical revue shows. They are bringing back actors from many of their most popular shows and highlighting some of the truly great talents of the area.

A past actor, someone who, when informed of this, lamented the fact that they were too far away at the time to attend, waxed nostalgic. In glowing terms they wished all the performers only the very best for their upcoming festivities.

This made me wonder.

I wondered what made the theater arts so beloved, so well-respected and so vehemently defended by its participants - both actors and patrons alike. I admit that I feel it, as well. I just haven't put it to words.

So, I resolved to do so.

After much reflection, I have determined what it is, for me at least, that makes theater so special.
The wonderful part of theater is in that minute or so between the curtain speech and the first note of the overture. The lights drift down. The feeling in that short time is akin to being a kid on Christmas morning, the anticipation of one's first kiss, and driving a car all by yourself for the very first time. Excitement, thrill and a bit of dread, all mixed together. Therein lies the magic.

At least, it's there for me. Your mileage may vary.


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