Editor's Note: The following is a post relating to the author's being in a play. This, after moving to another part of the country from New York. There will be more posts as the show develops. This post can also be found on the Tarol Nation blog. "1-2-3-and!". Flap, flap, flap. "You have lines here." Flap, flap, flap. That sound was me frantically flailing at pages in the script, trying to find where we were. I had been doing that for a while by this point, but the music coming from the piano had been masking it. Now, as the Musical Director was waiting for me to catch up, it became somewhat more apparent to the other fifteen people in the room. I didn't realize that the lines I had rehearsed so diligently came in the middle of a song. As I know now, that's why they are written on a page where everything else is in all caps. Not knowing how to read music is a bit of a hindrance, but certainly not a deal breaker. I do know how to coun...